Celebrating Retro Computing at CoCoFEST! with PlayPi Games



Featured photo courtesy of Jim Brain

It’s been an incredible time at this year’s CoCoFEST! I had a fantastic experience, and I couldn’t be happier to have participated in this celebration of retro computing. The event brought together an amazing group of passionate Color Computer enthusiasts, and it was an absolute pleasure to catch up with old friends and meet new CoCo nuts.

My 6dev09 booth was buzzing with excitement, as people got the opportunity to explore our flagship IDE tailored for the CoCo. I was able to showcase all the powerful features of 6dev09, and I think it was a real hit with the programmers in attendance.

The response from the community was overwhelmingly positive, and I was thrilled to see so many people taking an interest in 6dev09. Many CoCoFEST! attendees expressed their excitement about the IDE’s seamless integration with tools like LWTOOLS and MAME, as well as the extensive customization options.

Aside from my booth, the event was packed with engaging presentations, fascinating exhibits, and lots of cool new hardware. It was truly inspiring to witness the shared passion for Color Computers and retro computing in general.

CoCoFEST! was an unforgettable experience for me and I can’t wait for next year’s event. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and showed their support. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me, and I look forward to continuing to bring you innovative solutions for your retro computing needs. Until next time, happy programming!

Eric Canales
President of PlayPi Games

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